Export raster data to a KML file and an accompanying PNG image file. Multi-layer objects can be used to create an animation. The function attempts to combine these into a single (and hence more convenient) KMZ file (a zip file containing the KML and PNG files).

See package plotKML for more advanced functionality

# S4 method for class 'RasterLayer'
KML(x, filename, col=rev(terrain.colors(255)), 
     colNA=NA, maxpixels=100000, blur=1, zip='', overwrite=FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for class 'RasterStackBrick'
KML(x, filename, time=NULL, col=rev(terrain.colors(255)), 
     colNA=NA, maxpixels=100000, blur=1, zip='', overwrite=FALSE, ...)

# S4 method for class 'Spatial'
KML(x, filename, zip='', overwrite=FALSE, ...)



Raster* object


output filename


character vector with time lables for multilayer objects. The length of this vector should be nlayers(x) to indicate "when" or nlayers(x)+1 to indicate "begin-end"


color scheme to be used (see image)


The color to use for the background (default is transparent)


maximum number of pixels. If ncell(raster) > maxpixels, sampleRegular is used to reduce the number of pixels


Integer (default=1). Higher values help avoid blurring of isolated pixels (at the expense of a png file that is blur^2 times larger)


If there is no zip program on your path (on windows), you can supply the full path to a zip.exe here, in order to make a KMZ file


logical. If TRUE, overwrite the file if it exists


If x is a Raster* object, additional arguments that can be passed to image


None. Used for the side-effect files written to disk.


This function was adapted for the raster package by Robert J. Hijmans, with ideas from Tony Fischbach, and based on functions in the maptools package by Duncan Golicher, David Forrest and Roger Bivand.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Meuse data from the sp package
b <- rasterFromXYZ(meuse.grid)
projection(b) <- "+init=epsg:28992"           
# transform to longitude/latitude
p <- projectRaster(b, crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84", method='ngb')
KML(p, file='meuse.kml')
} # }