This function returns a new raster based on an existing raster and cell numbers for that raster. The new raster is cropped to the cell numbers provided, and, if values=TRUE has values that are the cell numbers of the original raster.

rasterFromCells(x, cells, values=TRUE)



Raster* object (or a SpatialPixels* or SpatialGrid* object)


vector of cell numbers


Logical. If TRUE, the new RasterLayer has cell values that correspond to the cell numbers of x


Cell numbers start at 1 in the upper left corner, and increase from left to right, and then from top to bottom. The last cell number equals the number of cells of the Raster* object.



See also


r <- raster(ncols=100, nrows=100)
cells <- c(3:5, 210)
r <- rasterFromCells(r, cells)
cbind(1:ncell(r), getValues(r))
#>       [,1] [,2]
#>  [1,]    1    3
#>  [2,]    2    4
#>  [3,]    3    5
#>  [4,]    4    6
#>  [5,]    5    7
#>  [6,]    6    8
#>  [7,]    7    9
#>  [8,]    8   10
#>  [9,]    9  103
#> [10,]   10  104
#> [11,]   11  105
#> [12,]   12  106
#> [13,]   13  107
#> [14,]   14  108
#> [15,]   15  109
#> [16,]   16  110
#> [17,]   17  203
#> [18,]   18  204
#> [19,]   19  205
#> [20,]   20  206
#> [21,]   21  207
#> [22,]   22  208
#> [23,]   23  209
#> [24,]   24  210