List supported file types for writing RasterLayer values to disk.

When a function writes a file to disk, the file format is determined by the 'format=' argument if supplied, or else by the file extension (if the extension is known). If other cases the default format is used. The 'factory-fresh' default format is 'raster', but this can be changed using rasterOptions.



writeFormats returns a matrix of the file formats (the "drivers") that are supported.

Supported formats include:

File typeLong namedefault extensionMultiband support
raster'Native' raster package format.grdYes
asciiESRI Ascii.ascNo
CDFnetCDF (requires ncdf4).ncYes
ENVIENVI .hdr Labelled.enviYes
EHdrESRI .hdr Labelled.bilYes
HFAErdas Imagine Images (.img).imgYes


#>       name              long_name                                   
#>  [1,] "raster"          "R-raster"                                  
#>  [2,] "SAGA"            "SAGA GIS"                                  
#>  [3,] "IDRISI"          "IDRISI"                                    
#>  [4,] "IDRISIold"       "IDRISI (img/doc)"                          
#>  [5,] "BIL"             "Band by Line"                              
#>  [6,] "BSQ"             "Band Sequential"                           
#>  [7,] "BIP"             "Band by Pixel"                             
#>  [8,] "ascii"           "Arc ASCII"                                 
#>  [9,] "CDF"             "NetCDF"                                    
#> [10,] "AAIGrid"         "Arc/Info ASCII Grid"                       
#> [11,] "ADRG"            "ARC Digitized Raster Graphics"             
#> [12,] "ARG"             "Azavea Raster Grid format"                 
#> [13,] "BAG"             "Bathymetry Attributed Grid"                
#> [14,] "BLX"             "Magellan topo (.blx)"                      
#> [15,] "BMP"             "MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap"      
#> [16,] "BT"              "VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format"       
#> [17,] "BYN"             "Natural Resources Canada's Geoid"          
#> [18,] "CALS"            "CALS (Type 1)"                             
#> [19,] "COG"             "Cloud optimized GeoTIFF generator"         
#> [20,] "CTable2"         "CTable2 Datum Grid Shift"                  
#> [21,] "DTED"            "DTED Elevation Raster"                     
#> [22,] "EHdr"            "ESRI .hdr Labelled"                        
#> [23,] "ELAS"            "ELAS"                                      
#> [24,] "ENVI"            "ENVI .hdr Labelled"                        
#> [25,] "ERS"             "ERMapper .ers Labelled"                    
#> [26,] "FIT"             "FIT Image"                                 
#> [27,] "GIF"             "Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)"        
#> [28,] "GPKG"            "GeoPackage"                                
#> [29,] "GRIB"            "GRIdded Binary (.grb, .grb2)"              
#> [30,] "GS7BG"           "Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (.grd)"      
#> [31,] "GSAG"            "Golden Software ASCII Grid (.grd)"         
#> [32,] "GSBG"            "Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)"        
#> [33,] "GTX"             "NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX"                  
#> [34,] "GTiff"           "GeoTIFF"                                   
#> [35,] "HDF4Image"       "HDF4 Dataset"                              
#> [36,] "HF2"             "HF2/HFZ heightfield raster"                
#> [37,] "HFA"             "Erdas Imagine Images (.img)"               
#> [38,] "ILWIS"           "ILWIS Raster Map"                          
#> [39,] "ISCE"            "ISCE raster"                               
#> [40,] "ISIS2"           "USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 2)"   
#> [41,] "ISIS3"           "USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 3)"   
#> [42,] "JP2OpenJPEG"     "JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library"
#> [43,] "JPEG"            "JPEG JFIF"                                 
#> [44,] "KMLSUPEROVERLAY" "Kml Super Overlay"                         
#> [45,] "KRO"             "KOLOR Raw"                                 
#> [46,] "LAN"             "Erdas .LAN/.GIS"                           
#> [47,] "LCP"             "FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (.lcp)"         
#> [48,] "Leveller"        "Leveller heightfield"                      
#> [49,] "MBTiles"         "MBTiles"                                   
#> [50,] "MRF"             "Meta Raster Format"                        
#> [51,] "NGW"             "NextGIS Web"                               
#> [52,] "NITF"            "National Imagery Transmission Format"      
#> [53,] "NTv2"            "NTv2 Datum Grid Shift"                     
#> [54,] "NWT_GRD"         "Northwood Numeric Grid Format .grd/.tab"   
#> [55,] "PAux"            "PCI .aux Labelled"                         
#> [56,] "PCIDSK"          "PCIDSK Database File"                      
#> [57,] "PCRaster"        "PCRaster Raster File"                      
#> [58,] "PDF"             "Geospatial PDF"                            
#> [59,] "PDS4"            "NASA Planetary Data System 4"              
#> [60,] "PNG"             "Portable Network Graphics"                 
#> [61,] "PNM"             "Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)"           
#> [62,] "PostGISRaster"   "PostGIS Raster driver"                     
#> [63,] "R"               "R Object Data Store"                       
#> [64,] "RMF"             "Raster Matrix Format"                      
#> [65,] "ROI_PAC"         "ROI_PAC raster"                            
#> [66,] "RRASTER"         "R Raster"                                  
#> [67,] "RST"             "Idrisi Raster A.1"                         
#> [68,] "Rasterlite"      "Rasterlite"                                
#> [69,] "SAGA"            "SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat, .sg-grd-z)"   
#> [70,] "SGI"             "SGI Image File Format 1.0"                 
#> [71,] "SIGDEM"          "Scaled Integer Gridded DEM .sigdem"        
#> [72,] "SRTMHGT"         "SRTMHGT File Format"                       
#> [73,] "Terragen"        "Terragen heightfield"                      
#> [74,] "USGSDEM"         "USGS Optional ASCII DEM (and CDED)"        
#> [75,] "VICAR"           "MIPL VICAR file"                           
#> [76,] "WEBP"            "WEBP"                                      
#> [77,] "WMS"             "OGC Web Map Service"                       
#> [78,] "WMTS"            "OGC Web Map Tile Service"                  
#> [79,] "XPM"             "X11 PixMap Format"                         
#> [80,] "XYZ"             "ASCII Gridded XYZ"                         
#> [81,] "ZMap"            "ZMap Plus Grid"                            
#> [82,] "Zarr"            "Zarr"                                      
#> [83,] "netCDF"          "Network Common Data Format"