List supported file types for writing RasterLayer values to disk.
When a function writes a file to disk, the file format is determined by the 'format=' argument if supplied, or else by the file extension (if the extension is known). If other cases the default format is used. The 'factory-fresh' default format is 'raster', but this can be changed using rasterOptions
writeFormats returns a matrix of the file formats (the "drivers") that are supported.
Supported formats include:
File type | Long name | default extension | Multiband support | |
raster | 'Native' raster package format | .grd | Yes | |
ascii | ESRI Ascii | .asc | No | |
SAGA | SAGA GIS | .sdat | No | |
IDRISI | IDRISI | .rst | No | |
CDF | netCDF (requires ncdf4) | .nc | Yes | |
GTiff | GeoTiff | .tif | Yes | |
ENVI | ENVI .hdr Labelled | .envi | Yes | |
EHdr | ESRI .hdr Labelled | .bil | Yes | |
HFA | Erdas Imagine Images (.img) | .img | Yes |
#> name long_name
#> [1,] "raster" "R-raster"
#> [2,] "SAGA" "SAGA GIS"
#> [3,] "IDRISI" "IDRISI"
#> [4,] "IDRISIold" "IDRISI (img/doc)"
#> [5,] "BIL" "Band by Line"
#> [6,] "BSQ" "Band Sequential"
#> [7,] "BIP" "Band by Pixel"
#> [8,] "ascii" "Arc ASCII"
#> [9,] "CDF" "NetCDF"