Compute correlation and (weighted) covariance for multi-layer Raster objects. Like cellStats this function returns a few values, not a Raster* object (see Summary-methods for that).

layerStats(x, stat, w, asSample=TRUE, na.rm=FALSE, ...)



RasterStack or RasterBrick for which to compute a statistic


Character. The statistic to compute: either 'cov' (covariance), 'weighted.cov' (weighted covariance), or 'pearson' (correlation coefficient)


RasterLayer with the weights (should have the same extent, resolution and number of layers as x) to compute the weighted covariance


Logical. If TRUE, the statistic for a sample (denominator is n-1) is computed, rather than for the population (denominator is n)


Logical. Should missing values be removed?


Additional arguments (none implemetned)


List with two items: the correlation or (weighted) covariance matrix, and the (weighted) means.


Jonathan A. Greenberg & Robert Hijmans. Weighted covariance based on code by Mort Canty


For the weighted covariance:

  • Canty, M.J. and A.A. Nielsen, 2008. Automatic radiometric normalization of multitemporal satellite imagery with the iteratively re-weighted MAD transformation. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:1025-1036.

  • Nielsen, A.A., 2007. The regularized iteratively reweighted MAD method for change detection in multi- and hyperspectral data. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(2):463-478.


b <- brick(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
layerStats(b, 'pearson')
#> $`pearson correlation coefficient`
#>             red     green      blue
#> red   1.0000000 0.9980961 0.9501633
#> green 0.9980961 1.0000000 0.9658011
#> blue  0.9501633 0.9658011 1.0000000
#> $mean
#>      red    green     blue 
#> 182.2855 185.3509 192.8046 

layerStats(b, 'cov')
#> $covariance
#>            red    green     blue
#> red   5564.371 5443.405 4993.165
#> green 5443.405 5345.403 4974.478
#> blue  4993.165 4974.478 4962.942
#> $mean
#>      red    green     blue 
#> 182.2855 185.3509 192.8046 

# weigh by column number
w <- init(b, v='col')
layerStats(b, 'weighted.cov', w=w)
#> $`weigthed covariance`
#>            red    green     blue
#> red   5670.750 5536.351 5009.851
#> green 5536.351 5427.161 4987.092
#> blue  5009.851 4987.092 4937.007
#> $`weighted mean`
#>  layer.1  layer.2  layer.3 
#> 177.5983 181.3521 191.5236 