Add (in place) a SpatRaster to another SpatRaster or to a SpatRasterDataset or SpatRasterCollection
Add (in place) a SpatRaster to another SpatRaster. Comparable with c
, but without copying the object.
# S4 method for class 'SpatRaster,SpatRaster'
add(x) <- value
# S4 method for class 'SpatRasterDataset,SpatRaster'
add(x) <- value
# S4 method for class 'SpatRasterCollection,SpatRaster'
add(x) <- value
r <- rast(nrows=5, ncols=9, vals=1:45)
x <- c(r, r*2)
add(x) <- r*3
#> class : SpatRaster
#> dimensions : 5, 9, 3 (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution : 40, 36 (x, y)
#> extent : -180, 180, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (CRS84) (OGC:CRS84)
#> source(s) : memory
#> names : lyr.1, lyr.1, lyr.1
#> min values : 1, 2, 3
#> max values : 45, 90, 135