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Get the coordinates of a SpatVector or SpatRaster cells. A matrix or data.frame of the x (longitude) and y (latitude) coordinates is returned.


# S4 method for class 'SpatVector'
crds(x, df=FALSE, list=FALSE)

# S4 method for class 'SpatRaster'
crds(x, df=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE, na.all=FALSE)



SpatRaster or SpatVector


logical. If TRUE a data.frame is returned instead of a matrix


logical. If TRUE a list is returned instead of a matrix


logical. If TRUE cells that are NA are excluded. Ignored if the SpatRaster is a template with no associated cell values


logical. If TRUE cells are only ignored if na.rm=TRUE and their value is NA for all layers instead of for any layer


matrix or data.frame

See also

geom returns the complete structure of SpatVector geometries. For SpatRaster see xyFromCell


x1 <- rbind(c(-175,-20), c(-140,55), c(10, 0), c(-140,-60))
x2 <- rbind(c(-125,0), c(0,60), c(40,5), c(15,-45))
x3 <- rbind(c(-10,0), c(140,60), c(160,0), c(140,-55))
x4 <- rbind(c(80,0), c(105,13), c(120,2), c(105,-13))
z <- rbind(cbind(object=1, part=1, x1), cbind(object=2, part=1, x2), 
           cbind(object=3, part=1, x3), cbind(object=3, part=2, x4))
colnames(z)[3:4] <- c('x', 'y')
z <- cbind(z, hole=0)
z[(z[, "object"]==3 & z[,"part"]==2), "hole"] <- 1

p <- vect(z, "polygons")
#>          x   y
#>  [1,] -175 -20
#>  [2,] -140  55
#>  [3,]   10   0
#>  [4,] -140 -60
#>  [5,] -175 -20
#>  [6,] -125   0
#>  [7,]    0  60
#>  [8,]   40   5
#>  [9,]   15 -45
#> [10,] -125   0
#> [11,]  -10   0
#> [12,]  140  60
#> [13,]  160   0
#> [14,]  140 -55
#> [15,]  -10   0
#> [16,]   80   0
#> [17,]  105  13
#> [18,]  120   2
#> [19,]  105 -13
#> [20,]   80   0

f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)
g <- crds(v)
#>             x        y
#> [1,] 6.026519 50.17767
#> [2,] 6.031361 50.16563
#> [3,] 6.035646 50.16410
#> [4,] 6.042747 50.16157
#> [5,] 6.043894 50.16116
#> [6,] 6.048243 50.16008