Make a VRT header file
Create a VRT header file for a "flat binary" raster file that needs a header file to be able to read it, but does not have it.
makeVRT(filename, nrow, ncol, nlyr=1, extent, xmin, ymin, xres, yres=xres, xycenter=TRUE,
crs="+proj=longlat", lyrnms="", datatype, NAflag=NA, bandorder="BIL", byteorder="LSB",
toptobottom=TRUE, offset=0, scale=1)
- filename
character. raster filename (without the ".vrt" extension)
- nrow
positive integer, the number of rows
- ncol
positive integer, the number of columns
- nlyr
positive integer, the number of layers
- extent
SpatExtent or missing
- xmin
numeric. minimum x coordinate (only used if
is missing)- ymin
numeric. minimum y coordinate (only used if
is missing)- xres
positive number. x resolution
- yres
positive number. y resolution)
- xycenter
logical. If
represent the coordinates of the center of the extreme cell, in stead of the coordinates of the outside corner. Only used ofextent
is missing- crs
character. Coordinate reference system description
- lyrnms
character. Layer names
- datatype
character. One of "INT2S", "INT4S", "INT1U", "INT2U", "INT4U", "FLT4S", "FLT8S". If missing, this is guessed from the file size (INT1U for 1 byte per value, INT2S for 2 bytes and FLT4S for 4 bytes per value). This may be wrong because, for example, 2 bytes per value may in fact be INT2U (with the U for unsigned) values
- NAflag
numeric. The value used as the "NA flag"
- bandorder
character. One of "BIL", "BIP", or "BSQ". That is Band Interleaved by Line, or by Pixel, or Band SeQuential
- byteorder
character. One of "LSB", "MSB". "MSB" is common for files generated on Linux systems, whereas "LSB" is common for files generated on windows
- toptobottom
logical. If
, the values are read bottom to top- offset
numeric. offset to be applied
- scale
numeric. scale to be applied
See also
to create a vrt for a collection of raster tiles