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Frequency table of the values of a SpatRaster. NAs are not counted unless value=NA.

You can provide a SpatVector or additional SpatRaster to define zones for which to do tabulations.


# S4 method for class 'SpatRaster'
freq(x, digits=0, value=NULL, bylayer=TRUE, usenames=FALSE, zones=NULL, wide=FALSE)





integer. Used for rounding the values before tabulation. Ignored if NA


numeric. An optional single value to only count the number of cells with that value. This value can be NA


logical. If TRUE tabulation is done by layer


logical. If TRUE layers are identified by their names instead of their numbers Only relevant if bylayer is TRUE


SpatRaster or SpatVector to define zones for which the tabulation should be done


logical. Should the results by "wide" instead of "long"?


A data.frame with 3 columns (layer, value, count) unless bylayer=FALSE in which case adata.frame with two columns is returned (value, count).


r <- rast(nrows=10, ncols=10)
values(r) <- sample(5, ncell(r), replace=TRUE)

#>   layer value count
#> 1     1     1    27
#> 2     1     2    15
#> 3     1     3    17
#> 4     1     4    17
#> 5     1     5    24

x <- c(r, r/3)
freq(x, bylayer=FALSE)
#>   value count
#> 1     0    27
#> 2     1    76
#> 3     2    39
#> 4     3    17
#> 5     4    17
#> 6     5    24
#>   layer value count
#> 1     1     1    27
#> 2     1     2    15
#> 3     1     3    17
#> 4     1     4    17
#> 5     1     5    24
#> 6     2     0    27
#> 7     2     1    49
#> 8     2     2    24

freq(x, digits=1)
#>    layer value count
#> 1      1   1.0    27
#> 2      1   2.0    15
#> 3      1   3.0    17
#> 4      1   4.0    17
#> 5      1   5.0    24
#> 6      2   0.3    27
#> 7      2   0.7    15
#> 8      2   1.0    17
#> 9      2   1.3    17
#> 10     2   1.7    24
freq(x, digits=-1)
#>   layer value count
#> 1     1     0    76
#> 2     1    10    24
#> 3     2     0   100

freq(x, value=5)
#>   layer value count
#> 1     1     5    24
#> 2     2     5     0