Detect patches (clumps) of cells
Detect patches (clumps). Patches are groups of cells that are surrounded by cells that are NA
. Set zeroAsNA
to also identify patches separated by cells with values of zero.
# S4 method for class 'SpatRaster'
patches(x, directions=4, values=FALSE, zeroAsNA=FALSE, allowGaps=TRUE, filename="", ...)
- x
- directions
integer indicating which cells are considered adjacent. Should be 8 (Queen's case) or 4 (Rook's case)
- values
logical. If
use cell values to distinguish patches. IfFALSE
, all cells that are notNA
are considered identical- zeroAsNA
logical. If
treat cells that are zero as if they wereNA
. Ignored ifbyvalue=TRUE
- allowGaps
logical. If
there may be gaps in the patch IDs (e.g. you may have patch IDs 1, 2, 3 and 5, but not 4). If it is FALSE, these numbers will be recoded from 1 to the number of patches (4 in this example)- filename
character. Output filename
- ...
options for writing files as in
r <- rast(nrows=18, ncols=36, xmin=0)
r[1:2, 5:8] <- 1
r[5:8, 2:6] <- 1
r[7:12, 22:36] <- 1
r[15:16, 18:29] <- 1
p <- patches(r)
# zero as background instead of NA
r <- rast(nrows=10, ncols=10, xmin=0, vals=0)
r[3, 3] <- 10
r[4, 4] <- 10
r[5, 5:8] <- 12
r[6, 6:9] <- 12
# treat zeros as NA
p4 <- patches(r, zeroAsNA=TRUE)
p8 <- patches(r, 8, zeroAsNA=TRUE)
### patches for different values
p <- patches(r, values=TRUE)
### patch ID values are not guaranteed to be consecutive
r <- rast(nrows=5, ncols=10, xmin=0)
values(r)<- round(runif(ncell(r))*0.7)
rp <- patches(r, directions=8, zeroAsNA=TRUE)
plot(rp, type="classes"); text(rp)
## unless you set allowGaps=FALSE
rp <- patches(r, directions=8, zeroAsNA=TRUE, allowGaps=FALSE)
plot(rp, type="classes"); text(rp)
### use zonal to remove small patches
f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
r <- rast(f)
x <- classify(r, cbind(-Inf, 400, NA))
y <- patches(x)
# remove patches smaller than 100 ha
rz <- zonal(cellSize(y, unit="ha"), y, sum, as.raster=TRUE)
s <- ifel(rz < 250, NA, y)